


A Dozen Donut Poems - U City Review

“Contextualizing a Forest Fire Continually Burning” - ASP Bulletin

“Mezuzahs” - Baltimore Review

“The State of Cinema” - Longleaf Review

“Modern Shtetl” - Rise Up Review

“The World to Come” - Minyan

“Self-Portrait as an Order at the Delicatessen” - HAD

“Self-Portrait with My Daughter as Ema-Shabbat” - Porcupine Literary

“The Golem Visits the March Chagall Exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery” - Bending Genres

“Ada Limon and Jennifer L. Knox Argue Over Who Should Take the Last Bite" - Blue Mountain Review

“Caravaggio’s Apple” - Jarfly

“Mallard and a Bitter Orange” - Stone Circle

“Sasquatch Witnesses the Immolation of General Sherman” - Museum of Americana

“Poetry” and “What Does it Mean to be a River” - with Laurie Marshall, Psaltery & Lyre

“Tigers” - with Laurie Marshal, Beaver Magazine

“Controlled Burn” - with Laurie Marshal, Feral Poetry

“Cathedrals” and “Climate as Craft” - Crab Creek Review (Print)


“The Bird Collector” - Night Heron Barks

“Why Can’t We Have a Good Hanukkah Special” - HAD

“Restoration” - River Mouth Review

“Rewind” - Ice Floe

“The World is a Burning Haibun We Sing to Ourselves” - Kissing Dynamite

“Chirality” - Ctrl + V

“A Maladaptation of Cells” - Ctrl + V

“Murmuration” - Ctrl + V

“Freediving the North Star Academy Barrens” - Sinking City Review

Elizabeth Bishop Dreams of Moose While Waiting at the Drive-Thru” - Moist Poetry Journal

“Mary Oliver at the Wellfleet Dunkin’” - Variant Lit

“So This is New York” - U City Review

“Broken Things” - The Westchester Review

“Night Terrors” - The Westchester Review

“Vanishing” - Janus Literary

“Wasting” with Adrian Dallas Frandle - Feral Poetry Journal

“Playing with Climate Models” - The Dodge

“Yayoi Kusama’s Pumpkin washed out to sea” - The Coop

“Sasquatch salvages the edible ruins” - Acropolis Journal

“Exhibits in the Museum of Dust” - Identity Theory

“Exhibits in the Museum of Dreams” - littledeathlit

“Exhibits in the Archive of Sinking and Melting” - JMWW

“Voices” - Cloves Literary Journal

“Still Life with Cheese” - Olney Magazine

“The divers off the coast of New Florida” - Paddler Press

“Symmetry” - Paddler Press

“Rituals” - trampset

“Just another Tuesday in the Anthropocene” - Glassworks (Print)


“The Ghost Forest” - Rejection Letters

“Politicians discussing about climate change” - Punk Noir

“How to smile in front of a glacier” - Punk Noir

“Living Happily at the End of the World” - Emerge Literary Journal

“Firstborn of the Dead” - KGB Lit

“Watching Time Lapse Videos with My Daughter” - KGB Lit

“The Ship of Theseus” - KGB Lit

“Revolution” - KGB Lit

“Tomorrow is Never” - KGB Lit

“Ekphrasis” - KGB Lit

“Eruption” - Feral

“Ariadne Slept” - Feral

“Bar Mitzvah” - Bending Genres

The Roses” - Second Chance Lit

“The Ray” - Barren Magazine

“The Challah Uprising” - Rise Up Review

“Animal Crackers” - Contrary Magazine

“On David Attenborough’s possibility of grief without anthropomorphising” - Contrary Magazine

A Florida man 'thumbed' an alligator in the eye to rescue his dog from a 'death roll' (Or this is how we say “I love you”)” - Contrary Magazine

What if All Our Sex Rituals Were Narrated by David Attenborough (or Maybe Love is Only a Chemistry Problem We Are Trying to Forget)" -Contrary Magazine

“Experiments with the Perception of Time” - The Shore

“Papered Labyrinth” - The Shore

“Still Life with Flowers, Shells, a Shark’s Head and Petrifactions” - The Shore

Matisse’s Bouquet de Fleurs pour le Quatorze Juillet, 1919” - Janus Literary

“Vanitas” - Janus Literary

“That Would Keep You” - Feral

“Snow” - Feral

“David Attenborough Narrates the Sex Rituals of New Parents” - Sledgehammer

“Driving With You to Get Your Haircut”Wine Cellar Press

“The feral pigs of Chernobyl are glowing” - Neologism Poetry Journal


“Fresh Kills”littledeathlit

“How do you close out a life?”The Westchester Review


“Monster Blood” - It Came From Beneath the Ink, an RL Stine Tribute Anthology ed, by Lannie Stabile

“Dorothy Awakens” - Stay Golden Zine ed. by Nicole Tallman

“Inquiries into Spock’s Arched Right Eyebrow” - The Red Shirt Review (Zine) ed. by Robin Sinclair

“Exhibits in the Museum of Dreams” - Dreams & Nightmares ed. by Aura Martin


School of the Dead